Possibility of drug therapy to treat prostate cancer in men

When diagnosed with adenoma and prostatitis, complex treatment is required. Treatment options for men include medications with different ingredients and dosage forms. Treatment is recommended after a thorough examination. Acute and chronic inflammation can be treated with different medications. The choice of treatment takes into account the symptoms displayed. Any medication to treat prostatitis in men should be taken as prescribed by your urologist.

Signs and risk factors of prostate inflammation

The inflammatory process that occurs in the prostate is usually diagnosed in young and older men.Symptoms of prostatitis in menTreatment occurs after the cause of the disease is determined. More commonly, the pathology is caused by bacterial infection. Medication can help relieve pain by eliminating acute pain. Doctors recommend starting medication from the first sign of illness, such as:
  • Urination disorders;
  • weakened immune system;
  • Drawing, pain in groin, pubic bone, perineum.
Depending on the type and cause, prostatitis can cause burning during sex, pain during bowel movements, white discharge, and increased body temperature. Treat after compiling a list of prostatitis pills. Their actions are designed to suppress symptoms. Select an individual medication list for each patient.Taken alone or in the absence of treatment, it may cause serious complications, including infertility, impotence, inflammation of other systems, genitourinary dysfunction, and cancer.

Drugs against prostatitis

Medications to treat prostatitis in men are prescribed taking into account the age, stage and form of the disease. Modern medicine uses tablets, capsules, injections, suppositories, ointments, gels and oils to treat the prostate.If the disease is caught early, it can be treated at home. In order to get rid of prostatitis, which comes with complications, the man received treatment in the hospital.Causes of prostatitisDrug release form that eliminates disease:
  1. Tablets and capsules. In drugs, these forms differ structurally. Tablets have a dense consistency, while capsules have a gelatin shell that contains the drug inside. Relevant drugs should be consumed before, during or after meals.
  2. Injection solution. The liquid form of the drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. As the drug's active ingredients are delivered to the site of inflammation, the condition improves quickly.
  3. Suppositories. An effective way to eliminate diseases. The advantage of rectal therapy is that it has simultaneous antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects on the body. Insert the suppository into the rectum. The patient is first advised to lie on his or her side. The course of treatment lasts for 10 days.
  4. Instillation. Administration is via a catheter through the urethra. Treatment can only be done in a hospital and with the help of medical personnel.
  5. Micro grouting. The basis of this medicine is a decoction of herbs with anti-inflammatory properties. Microgrouting is involved in a complex process of fighting inflammation. They are also used to prevent prostatitis.

Drug groups and their representatives

Taking into account symptoms, severity of inflammation, and other factors, a urologist will prescribe a course of treatment. In order to choose an effective treatment, patients are advised to undergo laboratory tests. Based on the results obtained, the type of pathogen is determined. By examining the blood, specific antibodies against microbes can be identified. The duration of treatment depends on the form and severity of the disease. If an individual is intolerant to certain components, an allergy may occur, requiring urgent replacement of the drug with its analogue.List of pharmacological groups of drugs for the treatment of prostatitis:
  • antibiotic;
  • antiviral substances;
  • alpha-blockers;
  • NSAIDs;
  • hormones;
  • Nature.
Antibiotics work to eliminate the causative agent of disease. This group of drugs can be used if the prostate is inflamed due to a bacterial infection. More commonly, men take medications from the following categories:
  • penicillin;
  • Tetracyclines;
  • Fluoroquinolones.
To relax the smooth muscle tissue of the gland, facilitate the flow of urine, and relieve congestion, patients take alpha-blockers. They inhibit the activity of neurons, causing uncontrolled contractions of visceral muscles.NSAID tablets are recommended for treating prostatitis in men. At the same time, this type of drug has an antispasmodic effect. They quickly relieve signs of inflammation and reduce the tone of the organs and perineal muscles.When the condition worsens, patients are treated with hormonal medications. They can reduce swelling and normalize urine output. You can use herbal medicine to treat prostatitis. They boost immune defenses by reducing inflammation, swelling, pain, and discomfort.

Antibiotics, painkillers, and alpha-blockers

If the pathology is caused by bacteria, the man can be treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. They destroy many pathogens and prevent inflammation from spreading to other organs.Urologists recommend the use of suppositories, since they provide rapid pain relief and eliminate other symptoms of the inflammatory process in the glands. Systemic exposure is typical of injected solutions. Against the background of their use, immunity is increased and male strength is restored.If lower abdominal pain is severe, you may need to take painkillers. Some drugs have varying degrees of effect, depending on the name of the active ingredient.To improve urine flow by relaxing the muscles of the urethra and bladder, men need to take alpha-blockers. This group of drugs needs to be taken long-term. Their role is not to combat prostatitis, but to eliminate the clinical manifestations of the inflammatory process. This disease may be accompanied by stagnation of blood in the pelvis and legs, so doctors may prescribe medications that help normalize the function of the circulatory system.

Herbal, non-steroidal and other medicines

Herbs improve weak immunity and prevent the development of stagnation and inflammation in the body. Herbal remedies made from pumpkin seeds, sabal and palm fruits are often included in the complex treatment of prostatitis.Herbal remedies for prostatitisTo eliminate congestion, pain, and swelling, steroidal and nonsteroidal medications are used. If NSAIDs are ineffective, patients are given hormonal medications. The acute course of the disease can be treated with hormonal drugs. Because steroids suppress immune function, they are not suitable for treating HIV.NSAIDs are safe medications with minimal side effects. Preparations containing the active ingredient ibuprofen received positive feedback from patients and doctors. It is recommended to drink it after meals and the dose is 400 mg twice daily. Effective injectable NSAIDs include those containing diclofenol. Injections are given once daily.While taking the above medications, it is recommended to follow your doctor’s advice. If prostatitis is in acute form, NSAIDs are taken for up to 7 days. Patients with gastrointestinal disorders should be treated with caution.You can buy Chinese anti-inflammatory drugs online. Their price on AliExpress depends on the ingredients and manufacturer. Not only do they help prevent prostatitis, they also enhance their potency.Vitamins and dietary supplements for treating prostatitis

Vitamin complexes and dietary supplements

To strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to take vitamins. If taken early in a cold attack, it can prevent urethritis, prostatitis and other complications. An inexpensive way to combat inflammation is to take dietary supplements, which have few side effects and contraindications.They are produced by different companies. You can also buy analogues in pharmacies. For example, a drug developed based on the cat's claw plant. Recommended for use in the following situations:
  • Going to the toilet frequently;
  • When your prostate hurts.
The unique origin makes this plant useful for relieving swelling and inflammation. This folk remedy can quickly normalize sexual desire. The cost is not high, which is another advantage of this treatment. Dietary supplements containing zinc may boost immunity and neutralize the causative agents of prostatitis. It is often included in the treatment regimen for inflammatory processes.Urologists include homeopathy as one of the modern methods of eliminating diseases. Treatment involves using small doses of the drug, while larger doses can trigger symptoms of the disease in healthy people.Homeopathy is not done at the same time as gland massage and other physical treatments.

Ratings of effective and inexpensive products based on patient and doctor reviews

Elena Malysheva, MD, and her colleagues recommend using only proven medications to combat prostatitis. They contribute to the rapid recovery of patients.Sulfonamides are considered very effective drugs in the treatment of prostatitis. This drug affects protozoa and many bacteria. According to reviews of patients who took such drugs, the symptoms of the disease disappeared on the 10th day after taking it. Some homeopathic medicines that have a positive effect on urodynamics are also effective. With their help, the function of the prostate is normalized. The drug is taken for 4-6 months.Animal-derived preparations have good anti-inflammatory effects. Complex anti-inflammatory medicine contains herbs. They help slow the growth of infections and tumors in nearby organs.

homemade medicine

You can prepare decoctions, infusions, ointments and gels for prostatitis at home. These products are not sold in stores and pharmacies. Medicinal plants are used in its preparation, including St. John's wort, tansy, thread, celandine, ginger and pollen. Natural products include pumpkin seeds, honey, chicory, laundry soap and hop cones.Effective folk remedies for treating prostatitis:
  1. Black elderberry. Use it to make juice, it is recommended to drink 1 tablespoon in the morning. Lake treatment lasts 10 days. An adverse effect is an increase in body temperature, which is associated with the patient's recovery.
  2. Pumpkin seed powder. Start by grinding the raw materials in a blender. The resulting flour is taken several times a day. Doctors must introduce treatment options to each patient individually. If treatment is not effective, you must notify your urologist.
  3. Propolis-based tincture. The drug is taken with 100 grams of water for every 40 drops of the drug.
  4. Bee pollen. To relieve tension in the perineum, improve blood circulation in the glands and normalize general sexual activities, it is recommended to take 2 teaspoons. product three times a day. To prevent recurrence, use pollen continuously.
  5. Hazelnut Tincture. 1 tbsp. Lake leaves require a cup of boiling water. After 30 minutes, strain the composition and take 1/4 cup 4 times a day. Treatment lasts up to 1 week. It is recommended to brew hazel bark for longer than specified due to its higher hardness. This medicine is made only from fresh ingredients.
  6. Parsley Tincture. Made from leaves, seeds and roots of green plants. 1 tbsp. Lake plants require 100 g of boiling water. After 24 hours, strain the drink and drink.
In conjunction with folk remedies, you can use anesthesia for compression. Local anesthesia ensures healing of suppurating wounds and eliminates pain in the lower back and joints. Ointments with a warming effect are also used.It is recommended to take anti-inflammatory drugs after comprehensive diagnosis and as directed by your doctor. The selection of the drug list should take into account the clinical manifestations and the patient's condition. Most patients do not believe in the effectiveness of dietary supplements. Since this process is long-term and chronic, dietary supplements are ineffective.If prostatitis is accompanied by complications, complex treatment is required. It includes folk remedies, medicines and physical therapy techniques. If an inoperable cancerous tumor is detected, the prognosis is negative.