Chronic prostatitis

Chronic inflammation of the prostate affects about 30% of men between the ages of 20 and 50 years old. This is one of the more common among men of urological diseases.

Due to inflammation from prostatitis, divided into two groups. The first group includes infectious prostatitis, which can be caused by a variety of bacteria, viruses or fungal diseases.

Chronic prostatitis

The second group encompasses the so-called stagnant (congestive) prostatitis, the reason for stagnation of the liquids (the secret) of the prostate and the blood in the veins of this organ. The development of these symptoms is observed, for example, when occasional sex life. Venous stasis can occur during the long, slow work in a sitting position (for example, drivers of vehicles, to the workers of the knowledge), when you wear underwear tight, and also for alcohol abuse.

The factors development of prostatitis

In addition, the factors predisposing to the development of prostatitis, are: the reduction of the body's defenses, hormonal disorders, resentments and to maintain open foci of infection, of which the germs penetrate the prostate gland and contribute to the development of inflammation.

The risk of prostatitis, as a result of a reduction of the immunity referred to above, it is often the suffering of people, against a backdrop of overworked nervous, chronic stress, smoking, and alcohol. All of these factors facilitate the penetration of infection of the prostate, or lead to a deterioration in the vascularity of the pelvic organs, stagnant processes, which promotes the proliferation of microorganisms and the development of the inflammatory process.

What happens in this case?

Often the prostatitis develops in the chronic form, in the course of a few years, not causing much concern. Can occur, not intense pain, discomfort in the crotch, along the rump, genitals or rectum. Periodically observes palpitations, painful and sometimes, difficulty urinating, minor discharge from the urethra.

Unfortunately, the majority of men at this stage does not pay attention to similar symptoms, but in vain. The danger of chronic prostatitis is that its spreading to the urinary system can lead to the development of cystitis and pyelonephritis.

In addition, the complications of prostatitis are vesiculitis — inflammation of the seminal vesicles, and orchiepididymitis — inflammation of the testicles and their appendages, and this, ultimately, can lead to male sterility. Also, the inflammation of the prostate gland can in the future be the cause of development of prostate adenoma or cancer of the prostate.

After a while the prostatitis cause erection problems. This is due to the involvement in the inflammatory process of the nerves responsible for erectile function, which pass through the prostate gland.

Diagnosis and treatment

So, if you are present at least one of the following symptoms, please do not hesitate to long, not to run the disease to go to the urologist or andrologist. The doctor will ask you to pass an initial examination, which includes the analysis of sexual and ULTRASOUND, pelvic, and prostate, and will hold a digital rectal examination of the prostate. Fear is not required: an experienced doctor will not cause pain. This study is extremely informative. It helps clarify the diagnosis, and the severity of the disease. Feeling gland (through the anus), the physician not only finds out that it happened, but, and gets his secret. Before starting the treatment in the laboratory will be required bacteriology sowing the secret of the prostate for the definition of the sensitivity of your microflora to various antibacterial drugs. Without this treatment is not effective, and can lead to liberation from the disease and to its transfer in a new, a more serious form.

The drug therapy of the prostatitis is complemented by a massage of the prostate gland, reduces congestion, improves the blood circulation and the evacuation secret the breast. Unfortunately, modern medicine is still unable to solve the problem of the permanent cure for prostatitis. The doctor is able to bring the first disease remission (absence of symptoms) for two-three years. After that the treatment will have to repeat.


Always easier to prevent disease, to cure it. Then try to adhere to some simple measures of prevention can protect you from all the "charms" of prostatitis. Fashion, which forces us to continually walk in a skimpy and tight swimsuit. Free cotton briefs much more hygienic and do not hinder the normal blood circulation in the prostate.

Also, avoid hypothermia, move more, and, if there is the possibility of having regular sex, practice masturbation — according to doctors, is and purification, and self-massage, and prevention of prostatitis.